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Plant Vogtle Unit 4 begins Integrated Flush

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January 25, 2021


The following is a Georgia Power news release:

Plant Vogtle Unit 4 has begun integrated flush, the testing process that pushes water through the permanent plant system piping that feeds into the reactor vessel and reactor coolant loops. This is the latest in a number of significant milestones recently achieved at the Vogtle nuclear expansion project and marks another step towards operations and providing customers with a clean, carbon-free energy source.

Last month the project received the historic first nuclear fuel shipment for Vogtle Unit 3, placed the two-million-pound roof of the Vogtle Unit 4 shield building and completed the pre-operational condenser vacuum test of the Vogtle Unit 3 turbine system in preparation for hot functional testing.

Integrated flush represents a critical step as the process is key to helping ensure the safe startup of Unit 4 and marks the start of extensive testing ahead for the unit's systems. Over the next few months, site personnel at the Vogtle nuclear expansion project will work through this process to clean and test the system piping ahead of testing of Unit 4.

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